written by primehammer

Overemployment in the time of layoffs

Published by Daniel Štarha
3 min read
Illustration depicting a man from behind sitting in front of four monitors, coding, representing overemployment in the tech industry.

Job security, particularly in tech, isn’t what it used to be, and who doesn’t want an extra cushion? Read more about why more and more people are turning to overemployment.

Bonding and growing: primehammer 2023 sumup

Published by Maria
3 min read
A group of primehammer members walk on a Lisbon beach carrying surf boards under a blue sky.

Join us on our trip down memory lane and relive the adventure that was 2023 at primehammer! Yeah, yeah, we know, we're a bit fashionably late to the party with this recap, but hey, who said we had to stick to the conventional timeline, right? ;)

Zbynek and primehammer: it’s not over till it’s over

Published by Maria
3 min read
Zbynek, a white man in a black "primehammer" t-shirt, poses for a photo while holding his laptop.

Learn more about the life of a primehammer engineer through the eyes of our very own Zbynek. And if you want a life like his, apply now!

5 Compelling Reasons to Hire External Engineers for Your Tech Team

Published by Maria
4 min read

Are you grappling with the question of whether to hire internally or seek the expertise of external engineers? Here's 5 reasons to go for it!

primehammer folks intro: David Veznik

Published by Maria
4 min read
David, a white young man with brown hair, stands on a bridge over an Amsterdam canal.

They say if you want to really know a company you should talk to their employees, so today you are talking to David Veznik, a member of the primehammer family for over three years.

What IS primehammer? Meet our company values

Published by David
4 min read

What we do is team augmentation. We build engineering teams for innovative companies. To find out who what we ARE, let us introduce to you our company values.

Ruby on Rails turns 20 in Amsterdam – RailsWorld 2023

Published by David
4 min read
The first page of a newspaper called the RailsWorld Times reads "RAILS EVENT ENDS IN CHAOS: KEYNOTE SPEAKER INSISTS 'TABS SUPERIOR TO SPACES'".

20 years ago, Rails released the first version of their project. Fast forward to 2023, the first much-awaited RailsWorld conference took place in Amsterdam.

Our trip to the EURUKO 2022 ✈️🎓

Published by Aneta Hradečná
2 min read

Last month, our guys David Hrachový, Adam Tomeček and Jozef Zigmund returned from Helsinki, where they attended the 𝗘𝗨𝗥𝗨𝗞𝗢 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮 conference focused on Ruby development, with many experienced speakers. Well, since Ruby is one of the languages we program in, we couldn’t miss this opportunity! ⚒️😎 The conference lasted for 3 days, well, what topics […]

Teambuilding na Vysočině! 🖤

Published by Aneta Hradečná
2 min read

Sláva nazdar výletu! 🚗 🙌🏼 🗺️ Máme za sebou super podzimní teambuilding, který jsme tentokrát naplánovali na Vysočině v blízkosti Devíti Skal v krásné usedlosti U Lípy Blatiny. ⛰️ 👨‍👩‍👦 Podívejte se, jak se bavíme, když zrovna nepracujeme! Co všechno jsme za celý pobyt stihli podniknout? 👀 Po ubytování a vřelém přivítání na naší chatě jsme společně vyrazili na […]

Generate Profile Pictures with AI

Published by David
2 min read

Here in PrimeHammer, we decided to experiment with cutting edge AI technologies and the result is an app Epic Avatar that allows users to generate their own personalised profile pictures in different styles. Generative AI Generative AI is a category of machine learning where computers can generate original new content in response to prompts from […]