written by primehammer

J on the Beach 2022

Published by Zbyněk
3 min read

J on the Beach (JOTB) is a truly interesting conference that takes place in Málaga, usually in April or May each year. The motto is “bringing developers and DevOps together around Big Data”. JOTB offers interesting tech topics, workshops, experienced speakers from all around the world, and many opportunities to talk with speakers and other attendees. […]

Updating table rows in Rails using Turbo Streams

Published by Adam Tomeček
3 min read

With previous versions of Ruby on Rails, there was no built-in way to update parts of a page without writing any Javascript code. With Hotwire or Turbo-Rails integration, updating parts of the page gets really easy. I assume a lot of Ruby on Rails applications have a table similar to this example. Data is displayed […]

Ruby Stories 8 Report

Published by Matej
2 min read

VCR War Stories, Work-Life Balance and Designing GraphQL APIs. We believe that any Ruby developer can benefit from these talks and interesting topics. Find out more about the talks and download the slides.

Ruby Stories 7 Report

Published by Matej
3 min read

Railway Oriented Programming, Slackbots with Serverless and Smuggling TCP traffic through an HTTP connection. It is important that Ruby Developers have at least some understanding of Javascript, core principles of HTTP protocol and of course, error handling. Find out more about the talks at Ruby Stories 7 and download the slides.

React Hooks and Forms

Published by Petr Heralecky
3 min read

The React community recently announced a new feature Hooks, and in this article we will focus on Forms with hooks and its benefits.

Ruby Stories 6 Report

Published by Matej
2 min read

Concurrent Ruby, Stimulus JS and Heroku. This time, we decided to get back to our Ruby on Rails roots and share our experience with the community. Find out more about the talks at the Ruby Stories 6 and download the slides.

Ruby Stories 5 Report

Published by David
2 min read

Phoenix framework, technology stack for ICO and React components were the hot presentations at the recent  event organized by PrimeHammer. Find out more about the event and download our presentations.

AngularJS to Angular Upgrade Process (Part 2)

Published by Matej
8 min read

This is a second article in the series of AngularJS to Angular Upgrade Process where we describe the Angular Upgrade Module and bootstrap a hybrid application. If you are still wondering, why you should at least consider upgrading your AngularJS application to Angular, take a look at the previous article here. In the previous article, we’ve […]

AngularJS to Angular Upgrade Process (Part 1)

Published by Matej
8 min read

I believe we can all agree that web development is evolving at a rapid pace. Frameworks, libraries, tools, guidelines, best practices and new APIs appear out of nowhere every day. I bet there are many of us with ever-growing todo lists or to be more accurate, to-read lists and opened browser tabs with new technologies. […]

The performance of styled React components

Published by Michal Szorád
6 min read

Introduction Styling React components has always been a very discussed theme. Since the first release of React, hundreds of packages taking care of our styles have been published. You may ask which one has the fastest scripting time, render time or which one is the smallest and that is exactly what I will try to […]