written by primehammer

Ruby Stories 5 Report

Phoenix framework, technology stack for ICO and React components were the hot presentations at the recent  event organized by PrimeHammer. Find out more about the event and download our presentations.

This Ruby Stories meetup was about everything, except Ruby. Why? We wanted to share insight and experience of the other technologies that Primehammer have been in touch with.  This attracted Erlang developers, JavaScript developers, Python developers.

The venue was hosted in the modern Otevrena zahrada conference hall,with a beautiful garden just outside the door, where participants could network and enjoy the hot summer evening during breaks.

What topics were covered?

Phoenix – Elixir’s Web Framework by Erich Kaderka

What is Phoenix? How is it different from other MVC frameworks? Where and how can I deploy it? What are Ecto, Contexts and Generators for?

Erich talking about Phoenix app deployment

How to launch an ICO with NodeJS and Parity Ethereum Client by Matej Minárik

How did we use NodeJS and the Parity Ethereum Client to launch an ICO for our customer? A High-level introduction into Blockchain technology, Ethereum Smart Contracts and NodeJS integration with a Parity Ethereum Client.

Matej answers questions about blockchain
Matej answering questions about blockchain

How to pass props in large component trees by Miroslav Paulík

Life is easy when you’re passing props from a parent to its child components, but what if you have to pass them through 8 nested components? Several solutions are available, so let’s find out together which is the best!

Miroslav talking about React components
Miroslav talking about React components

You can find all presentations attached below this blog post.

Feedback and final remarks

We’d like to thank everyone for participating and providing such a positive response to our post-event survey. We are looking forward to the next Ruby Stories, which will take place 3 months from now – we hope to see you there!

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