written by primehammer

A group of primehammer members walk on a Lisbon beach carrying surf boards under a blue sky.

Bonding and growing: primehammer 2023 sumup

Alright folks, gather ’round because we’re about to take a trip down memory lane and relive the adventure that was 2023 at primehammer! Yeah, yeah, we know, we’re a bit fashionably late to the party with this recap, but hey, who said we had to stick to the conventional timeline, right? *wink wink*

So without further ado, let’s dig in!

Conference hopping across Europe

2023 took us looking for knowledge and inspiration from conference to conference across Europe. We deeply value our people’s development, so we love to invest in opportunities for them to attend international events. Here are the main ones from last year:

In May we flew to Amsterdam for the “TypeScript, Deep Dive” React training, an in-person workshop organized by Michel Weststrate, and then on to Malaga, Spain, for the JOTB2023, a yearly international meetup for programmers with a passion for Big Data. We obviously couldn’t miss RailsWorld 2023, aka Ruby on Rails’ 20th birthday, so we migrated back to Amsterdam in October – you can read more about this unique experience here!

Three primehammer members sitting on the stage of the RailsWorld conference in Amsterdam under a dim blue light, against a screen projecting the Railsworld hashtag and logo in white on blue and pink.
primehammer at RailsWorld 2023 in Amsterdam.

Finally, we attended two great events in our very own Czechia: first Java Days 2023, two whole days dedicated to Java-related technologies, with talks taking place in Prague and available for online streaming, then the EVOLVE! Summit, an HR and recruitment festival in our natal city Brno.

Talk about fuelling our brains with the good stuff!

Bonding like pros

Here at primehammer, we take our bonding time seriously. Whether it’s our traditional breakfasts at our Brno HQ, a team BBQ, epic curling matches, or an online escape game… we’re all about that #SquadGoals life. And let’s not forget our first-ever digital nomad stay in Lisbon – who knew work and play could blend so seamlessly?

Seven members of the primehammer team walk on a Lisbon beach carrying surf boards under a blue sky.
Members of the primehammer team surfing in Lisbon.

Plus, the primehammer family grew larger! We welcomed eight new brilliant colleagues in 2023, to whom we renew our warmest welcomes.

We keep finding new ways to bond as a family, and the stronger the bond, the greater our teamwork. We support these experiences because we want to create a comfortable and creative environment by keeping our members happy and motivated. So far, we think it’s working!

primehammer growing

primehammer did some growing and refurbishing in 2023! We gave our look a makeover with a fresh new logo and graphics and revamped our website and career pages. We stepped up our social media game, with more frequent posts on Instagram and Facebook. We powered up campaigns to acquire new clients, with priority on React, RoR, Python, and Java projects.

Oh, and did we mention the perks? From hardware contributions to sweet referral rewards, we’re all about spreading the love. <3

Seven members of the primehammer team walk up a cobblestone street in Lisbon.
The primehammer crew exploring Lisbon.

As we kick off another lap around the sun, we’re stoked to see what the future holds. With 2023’s lessons learned and memories made, we’re ready to tackle 2024. So here’s to more adventures, more laughs, and more unforgettable moments as we continue to write primehammer history together!

Cheers to making 2024 the most epic chapter yet! 🚀✨